If you’re a coach or consultant who feels like you’ve hit the ceiling for how much income you can make…
If you’ve made good money before, but you struggle to raise your rates…
If you feel like something’s missing in your approach to running and growing your business, but you don’t know what you don’t know..
If you’re comparing yourself to your competition and feel like you’re not good enough and have to charge lower in order to “earn your stripes”…
Then you’re in the right place, and you were meant to find this post today.
It’s time for you to enter the world of ultra high ticket coaching and consulting and start showing up as the expert you are.
High paying clients are the best to work with. They’ve made a real commitment to working with you, are open to new ideas, and are fantastic at taking action because they want to make the most of their time and investment with you.
You can also deliver higher value because you’re not stretched too thin among masses of clients.
Check out my latest interview with Marissa Roberts of the Simpler Business Podcast as we discuss:
- Why so many coaches and consultants are under booked and underpaid.
- How too move through the “People can’t afford me” block
- How to break free from imposter syndrome and charge more
- Where to clients willing and able to pay five or six figures to work with you!
Book a call and let’s chat on how we can sustainably grow you to 7 figures.